Dehumidifier Installation Services
Whether it’s a whole house, basement or crawl space, Pappy’s can install the right dehumidifier for you! Schedule a Consultation Today.
What are the benefits of using a dehumidifier?
Dehumidifiers can help by reducing the humidity in the air, making it easier to breathe. Dehumidifiers also help reduce dust mites in your home. Dust mites are tiny creatures that thrive in humid environments. They are too small to see and feed on the dead skin cells we shed daily. Dust mites are a common trigger for allergies and asthma.
How do you choose the right dehumidifier?
If you are getting a Dehumidifier for your home, consider this factor. A good Dehumidifier should be able to work round the clock to remove air moisture. The amount of moisture the appliance can remove is calculated using pint or ounces. A good Dehumidifier should be able to remove at least 80% of the dampness in the air.
How does a dehumidifier work?
A dehumidifier is a box that contains cold evaporator coils, warm condenser coils, a fan, and a reservoir or drain to catch water. The fan blows moisture-laden room air over the cold coils, where water condenses and drips into the pan or drain. The drier air then blows across the warm coils and back into the room.
Does a dehumidifier prevent mold?
Dehumidifying the air also controls mold growth. When there’s moisture in the air, it becomes heavier and often more difficult to breathe. That’s why high-humidity environments can be difficult for people who have asthma. A dehumidifier can make the effort to breathe in and out easier on the lungs.